While the world is waiting for the development of the vaccine to curtail corona-19, the United Nations’ W.H.O. and its partners released a survey this week showing that 80 million babies under a year old were at risk of missing their routine immunizations.
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We Need to Vaccinate Children
While the world is waiting for the development of the vaccine to curtail corona-19, the United Nations’ W.H.O. and its partners released a survey this week showing that 80 million babies under a year old were at risk of missing their routine immunizations.
Rotary International’s polio campaign fears that the current pandemic could set back the global, decades-long effort to eradicate polio from the planet. The number of new cases have gone from a devastating 300,000 in the mid 1980’s a year, to less than a few dozen in the last decade. “Just One More Inch” was the pre-covid 19 slogan
Unfortunately and sadly, the U.S. Center For Disease Control is now worried about Pakistan and Afghanistan, where more than 60 cases of a wild poliovirus Type 1 have been reported recently. Also in Chad, Ghana, Ethiopia and Pakistan, there are reported cases of Type 2 poliovirus, that have mutated and may require a very different vaccine!!
Furthermore, there are at least a dozen countries that say they can no longer afford their usual share of polio and other vaccine costs because their resources are also desperately needed to help fight Covid 19.
The good news is that many experts believe if the pandemic clears within the next few months, immunizations could catchup in a year and a half.
Thomas McConnon
Rotary International’s polio campaign fears that the current pandemic could set back the global, decades-long effort to eradicate polio from the planet. The number of new cases have gone from a devastating 300,000 in the mid 1980’s a year, to less than a few dozen in the last decade. “Just One More Inch” was the pre-covid 19 slogan

Furthermore, there are at least a dozen countries that say they can no longer afford their usual share of polio and other vaccine costs because their resources are also desperately needed to help fight Covid 19.
The good news is that many experts believe if the pandemic clears within the next few months, immunizations could catchup in a year and a half.
Thomas McConnon